🔍Token Search


GET /v1/tokens/search?searchString=<SEARCH_STRING>&chains=<CHAIN_IDS>


This endpoint searches for tokens that match the given search criteria. The searchString parameter is required and should be a string that is used to match against token names, contracts, or symbols. The chains parameter is optional and should be a comma-separated list of chain Ids that limits the search results to tokens that exist on the specified chains.


This endpoint is limited to returning a maximum of 15 search results.

Query String Parameters

  • searchString (required): A string that is used to match against token names, contracts, or symbols.

  • chains (optional): A comma-separated list of chain Ids that limits the search results to tokens that exist on the specified chains.


  • x-api-key (required): A valid API key.


curl -X GET 'https://api.lynxcrypto.app/v1/tokens/search?searchString=inu&chains=1,56'


        "contract": "0x7db5af2b9624e1b3b4bb69d6debd9ad1016a58ac",
        "chain": "56",
        "name": "volt inu",
        "symbol": "volt",
        "usd_price": 9.433851652040907e-10,
        "price_change": -99.9440356105966,
        "decimals": 9,
        "total_supply": 69000000000000,
        "project_info": {
            "website": "https://voltinu.in/",
            "logo_url": "https://token-images.s3.amazonaws.com/voltlogo.png",
            "twitter": "https://twitter.com/VoltInuOfficial",
            "discord": null
        "contract": "0x2859e4544c4bb03966803b044a93563bd2d0dd4d",
        "chain": "56",
        "name": "shiba inu",
        "symbol": "shib",
        "usd_price": 0.00001305552632945143,
        "price_change": -1.1793354676905874,
        "decimals": 18,
        "total_supply": 7249999999990.642,
        "project_info": {
            "website": null,
            "logo_url": null,
            "twitter": null,
            "discord": null

Response Codes

  • 200: Success. Returns the tokens that match the search criteria.

  • 400: Bad Request. The searchString query string parameter is not provided.

  • 403: Forbidden. The x-api-key header is not provided or is invalid.

  • 404: Not Found. No tokens were found with the given search criteria.

Last updated