

GET /api/v1/assets


This endpoint returns the USD price for a given token or a comma-separated list of asset IDs. The asset_ids parameter is required and should be a string in the format <TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>:<NETWORK_ID>. The TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS is the address of the token contract on the specified network, and the NETWORK_ID is the ID of the network the token is on. See supported networks for more info.

Query String Parameters

  • asset_ids (required): A comma-separated string in the format <TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>:<NETWORK_ID> that identifies the tokens to look up.


  • x-api-key (required): A valid API key.


curl -X GET 'https://data.lynxcrypto.app/api/v1/assets?asset_ids=0xe7057b10e2b59f46d151588d9c8694b4b8328f44:56
-H 'x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>'


        "contract": "0xe7057b10e2b59f46d151588d9c8694b4b8328f44",
        "chain": 56,
        "name": "blockbusters",
        "symbol": "bbtf",
        "usd_price": 0.0003757248951432242,
        "price_change": -12.745772423898371,
        "decimals": 18,
        "total_supply": 10000000000

Response Codes

  • 200: Success. Returns the USD price for the given token.

  • 400: Bad Request. The asset_ids query string parameter is not provided.

  • 403: Forbidden. The x-api-key header is not provided or is invalid.

Last updated