

GET /api/v1/trades


Understanding the asset_id Parameter

When specifying the asset_id, you are essentially choosing the token from the liquidity pair you wish to focus on. This choice affects how trades are represented in the response:

  • Buy or Sell Side: The side of each trade (buy or sell) is determined relative to the asset_id.

    • If the asset_id matches the sold token in the swap, the trade is considered a "sell" from the perspective of that asset.

    • Conversely, if the asset_id matches the bought token, the trade is viewed as a "buy."

For instance, consider a trading pair of BNB (token0) and USDT (token1):

  • If asset_id is set to BNB, then:

    • A swap exchanging BNB for USDT is shown as a "sell" because BNB is being sold.

    • A swap exchanging USDT for BNB is shown as a "buy" because BNB is being bought.

  • If asset_id is set to USDT, then:

    • The perspective reverses: swaps exchanging BNB for USDT are seen as "buys" (buying USDT), and those exchanging USDT for BNB are "sells" (selling USDT).

Price Representation

  • Price Value: The price field in the response reflects the price of the asset_id targeted in each swap. This means the price is presented from the perspective of the asset_id chosen, ensuring consistency with the side (buy or sell) designation.

Query String Parameters

  • asset_id (required): A string in the format <TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>:<NETWORK_ID> that identifies the token you are interested in, in the LP pair. This should be either the token1_id or token0_id on the trading pair.

  • pair_id (required): A string in the format <PAIR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>:<NETWORK_ID>.


  • x-api-key (required): A valid API key.


curl -X GET 'https://data.lynxcrypto.app/api/v1/trades?asset_id=0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c%3A56&pair_id=0x47a90a2d92a8367a91efa1906bfc8c1e05bf10c4%3A56'
-H 'x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>'


        "pair_id": "0x47a90a2d92a8367a91efa1906bfc8c1e05bf10c4:56",
        "date": "2024-02-25T04:42:38Z",
        "block_number": 36435099,
        "chain": 56,
        "exchange": "0x3c11f6265ddec22f4d049dde480615735f451646",
        "factory_address": "0xdb1d10011ad0ff90774d0c6bb92e5c5c8b4461f7",
        "hash": "0xd45e8f41b653a92216ef83f015bb5d7cea7159613bfe402e42459487bc52a721",
        "log_index": 128,
        "maker": "0xf08b05ef2917249eaad3044b2d00debb345c6048",
        "pair_address": "0x47a90a2d92a8367a91efa1906bfc8c1e05bf10c4",
        "token0_address": "0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955",
        "token0_amount": 2.0,
        "token0_price": 0.9996537220631725,
        "token0_reserves": 652501.8020571235,
        "token0_symbol": "usdt",
        "token1_address": "0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c",
        "token1_amount": 0.005279827279612583,
        "token1_price": 378.66909999999996,
        "token1_reserves": 545.7530331732752,
        "token1_symbol": "wbnb",
        "side": "buy",
        "price": 378.66909999999996,
        "volume": 1.999307444126345
        "pair_id": "0x47a90a2d92a8367a91efa1906bfc8c1e05bf10c4:56",
        "date": "2024-02-25T04:42:32Z",
        "block_number": 36435097,
        "chain": 56,
        "exchange": "0x802b65b5d9016621e66003aed0b16615093f328b",
        "factory_address": "0xdb1d10011ad0ff90774d0c6bb92e5c5c8b4461f7",
        "hash": "0x766eacc0e7e20fe58607a4d8ffc8a5d89530952288af9ae1011bab4b62eff65f",
        "log_index": 207,
        "maker": "0xc319ddb4e44666872dd7c20055264eacdf2c89d1",
        "pair_address": "0x47a90a2d92a8367a91efa1906bfc8c1e05bf10c4",
        "token0_address": "0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955",
        "token0_amount": 2014.83211601201,
        "token0_price": 0.9997985555106049,
        "token0_reserves": 652499.8020571235,
        "token0_symbol": "usdt",
        "token1_address": "0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c",
        "token1_amount": 5.319753418446827,
        "token1_price": 378.6690999999999,
        "token1_reserves": 545.7583130005548,
        "token1_symbol": "wbnb",
        "side": "buy",
        "price": 378.6690999999999,
        "volume": 2014.426239185183

Response Codes

  • 200: Success. Returns the trades for the given pair and token.

  • 400: Bad Request. The asset_id or pair_id were not provided.

  • 403: Forbidden. The x-api-key header is not provided or is invalid.

Last updated